Paskutinės is keliones

In the morning we went to Yorke Peninsula.

We were driving empty winding roads passing small towns. Here the view is the same for hours – just fields of grain.

Every town has an information center and some attraction for tourists. For example, you can take a photo with locals.

We also heard that it is really expensive to live here, but we have no idea why.

The views like this all the way.

At the end of peninsula we entered Innes National Park. Emu greeted us.

Soon the sealed road ended. We were driving on some salty white surface. Lizards were warming up in the sun.

Not far away from the campsite you can rent a room in a hotel like this.

That’s not a fruit pie… 🙂

In the evening we were enjoying the warmth and having some beers until we were attacked by flies and mosquitoes.

I wouldn’t like to meet the one like this while swimming.

How can kangaroo jump with balls like this? 🙂

Romantic gourmets. In the evening a pair of sooty oystercatchers were walking on the beach and having oysters for dinner.

Another cabin for rent. They say it’s ideal for the honeymoon. Conveniences are minimal – rain water tank, which can be empty.

One of the many islands.

The color of the ocean like not real.

Girls running on the beach. It somehow reminds some 90’s music videos.

We visited the remains of historic Innestown, where they used to dig gypsum.

A shipwreck.

The view from the cliff.

The signs are not very promising and the wind is enormous.

Photos about flies and ants.

And about foxes.

We were really happy to meet this quite rare Hooded Plover again.

It runs really fast and funny.

Big nest on the pole. I wonder whose.

After a couple of nights we went home. Some sculptures near the highway.

The same day we went to St Kilda.

We met some crabs.

Not only birds.

So this is how our first vacation ended.

Vacation day 10. Mount Remarkable National Park (Flinders Ranges)

So we were staying at our fancy camping with drinking water and warm showers.

In the morning we went for a walk and met tiny doves.

Diamond dove (lat. Geopelia cuneata). So what’s the difference between a dove and a pigeon?

At the end of the trail we sat on the red rocks to rest. We were checked by some lizard.

And some crazy invisible grasshopper.

Golden Whistler (lat. Pachycephala pectoralis) and Grey Butcherbird (lat. Cracticus torquatus).

They say some trees can stay alive after burning it’s inside, but apparently not this one.

Like a bird from the era of dinosaurs.

Little Willie is defending it’s territory.

It got hot in the afternoon. We left Reda for a nap and went for a walk on the road with the hope to find some lizards.

We were not mistaken. This huge monitor was running away from us. But if only it would turn back to us and show some action, we would be scared to death and run 🙂

After a while we went back to brag about it to Reda. We came back, Reda is sitting with the big eyes and says “You never believe what just have happened!”

It appeared, that the same huge lizard was trying to get into our tent and later he got scared and ran away up to the tree.

The creature.

Later that day it was raining and little Variegated Fairy Wrens were taking a shower. At night in the shower we met same swallow again.

Flies getting a ride for free.

Vacation day 9. Mount Remarkable National Park (Flinders Ranges)

After a little rest at home we went north to Finders Ranges. This is a really huge territory and we saw just a tiny peace of it, but still it’s something.

For the great joy of Reda we found this female grasshopper laying the eggs. How does she manage to dig a hole in such a hard ground?

Very cosy birds – White-browed Babblers (lat. Pomatostomus superciliosus) – always hanging out in gangs and making funny noise.

No, this is not the same noisy miner we see in the city. That’s a Yellow-throated Miner (lat. Manorina flavigula).

Reda the explorer and a very promising sign.

I’m not the expert of kangaroos, but I think that’s two different species.

Sacred Kingfisher (lot. Todiramphus sanctus).

I went to the shower at night and event winced. For a second I thought that’s a really big moth. But that’s a welcome swallow, well, occupied swallow, in this case.

Vacation day 8. Victor Harbor

Our trip from Adelaide to Melbourne and back came to the end, but the vacation didn’t. On the eight day we went to Victor Harbour to see the Little penguins.

Brown Quail (lat. Coturnix ypsilophora) – the real master of disguise.

While waiting for the penguins.

It seems it’s going to rain.

Singing Honeyeater (lot. Lichenostomus virescens).

It’s getting dark.

Strange rocks.

Finally! The penguins are back from the hunt. They are really sensitive to the light, so you can’t use the flashlight. These little birds are really fun to observe. The way they walk and climb on the rocks is really funny and amazing at the same time. They don’t have hands but can climb the rocks so steep not every human could. And even one falls down it’s nothing. They are really tough creatures.

Road Trip: Adelaide – Melbourne. Day 7.

On the seventh day we came back to Adelaide to rest a little before continuing our journey. On our way back we visited Hallet Cove. The funniest thing we saw that day, were the exploding seeds of some plant. Poor bugs that where sitting on those barrels of TNT.

Little show-of before hitting the road again.

Kiata – town in the middle of nowhere.

It’s forbidden to take any fruits and vegetables to SA so we disposing remaining apples and other goods. The funny thing is, that this should stop fruit flies from invading the state, but while we were gathering stuff to be thrown away or car was full of those flies 🙂

The rocks of Hallet Cove.

Somewhere far away like a mirage – Glenelg.

It seams like you are on Mars.

Elephant the climber.

The sunset.