Vacation day 10. Mount Remarkable National Park (Flinders Ranges)

So we were staying at our fancy camping with drinking water and warm showers.

In the morning we went for a walk and met tiny doves.

Diamond dove (lat. Geopelia cuneata). So what’s the difference between a dove and a pigeon?

At the end of the trail we sat on the red rocks to rest. We were checked by some lizard.

And some crazy invisible grasshopper.

Golden Whistler (lat. Pachycephala pectoralis) and Grey Butcherbird (lat. Cracticus torquatus).

They say some trees can stay alive after burning it’s inside, but apparently not this one.

Like a bird from the era of dinosaurs.

Little Willie is defending it’s territory.

It got hot in the afternoon. We left Reda for a nap and went for a walk on the road with the hope to find some lizards.

We were not mistaken. This huge monitor was running away from us. But if only it would turn back to us and show some action, we would be scared to death and run 🙂

After a while we went back to brag about it to Reda. We came back, Reda is sitting with the big eyes and says “You never believe what just have happened!”

It appeared, that the same huge lizard was trying to get into our tent and later he got scared and ran away up to the tree.

The creature.

Later that day it was raining and little Variegated Fairy Wrens were taking a shower. At night in the shower we met same swallow again.

Flies getting a ride for free.

Vacation day 9. Mount Remarkable National Park (Flinders Ranges)

After a little rest at home we went north to Finders Ranges. This is a really huge territory and we saw just a tiny peace of it, but still it’s something.

For the great joy of Reda we found this female grasshopper laying the eggs. How does she manage to dig a hole in such a hard ground?

Very cosy birds – White-browed Babblers (lat. Pomatostomus superciliosus) – always hanging out in gangs and making funny noise.

No, this is not the same noisy miner we see in the city. That’s a Yellow-throated Miner (lat. Manorina flavigula).

Reda the explorer and a very promising sign.

I’m not the expert of kangaroos, but I think that’s two different species.

Sacred Kingfisher (lot. Todiramphus sanctus).

I went to the shower at night and event winced. For a second I thought that’s a really big moth. But that’s a welcome swallow, well, occupied swallow, in this case.