Deep Creek bushwalking

At the entrance to Deep Creek conservation park we met Scarlet Robin.

And a lovely couple o Superb Fairy Wrens. Male is bright.

His wife – modest and shy. They were jumping like those tin birds – toys.

As they call walking in forest or at the river bushwalking too, this trail was a real bushwalking. At the beginning we were going surrounded by dense bushes, just a little bit too tall so we couldn’t see anything around.

The tack began to go down and we saw a wide landscape. We have seen photos of this trail before and it showed some kangaroos on the cliff edge. There was nothing like a cliff. Just a steep slippery stony surface under your feet. Those, who didn’t look under their feet got many bruises (of course it was Laurius).

Sadly, it was windy day, it means – no birds. We didn’t know where we were going. Just down. And the sea looked so far away, and we – so high on the hill.

Instead of kangaroo.

The end of the trail was very near, but we had to turn and run up, because sun was going down so fast. And it took an hour to get down.

Some flowers.

The last point where you can see something before getting in the bushes.


Finally we made it – we came to our car. After that it got dark in  minutes. A night butterfly hiding in the toilet.

On the way back we met  kangaroos and a rabbit on the road! A little bit extreme ridding in twilight on gravel roads.

Onkaparinga river

One more weekend, one more Nature walk. We have a little book of 40 greatest SA short walking trails. (Because long ones are very very long). This time we went to Onkaparinga River. A pleasant place to walk – quiet, calm, nobody scares any animals.

Nor little birds.

Nor big red kangaroos on the other side of the valley.

What a lovely kangaroo! Our first wild kangaroo and so near!

With a full pouch!

She looked at us, didn’t seem scared, until Laurius stepped on some branch.

Laurius is growing.

The same plant.

Sitting on the edge.


Black Faced Cuckoo Shrike.

After a nice walk we drove towards sea. Through vineyards where the Australian Kestrel lives.

Happy full bird after dinner.

Where Onkaparinga meets the Ocean.

River banks.

And birds everywhere.

Australian colours – red rocks, blue sky.

Those little guys were hanging out with some gulls.

Red-Capped Plover is looking for some sushi.

Hyperactive birds, again.

Hooded Plover just hated photo camera and ran away. I’m getting used to that.

Laurius is showing the typical move of that bird.