This happened in November or in the beginning of December. We knew, that there will be some Christmas event in the city We didn’t get up early as it was weekend. The pageant start at nine. While having breakfast we hear a lot of noise and went out to see what’s happening. We figured out that the event is finished and all people are going home…

This is the street the pageant went on. Empty streets with drawings have some charm. By the way, we always wondered what that blue line on the streets mean. It appears, this is the pageant track.

Though, everything ended sooner than we got up, we found all participants parked in one place.

Next week similar event took place in the seaside, but except huge sculptures people were riding their old cars.

Highway patrols and dogs decorated in glitter.


You should have seen how all children jumped when they heard the Santa is coming!

Christmas under the palm tree.

Little park at the back of a local brewery got new sculptures for the Christmas.

One morning we heard horns in the street. The wedding we thought. But the sound was getting stronger and stronger, so we went out to check, what’s happening.

The whole street was full of bikes.

They just kept riding and riding. We were surprised that there are so many bikes in this city. You don’t see a lot of them everyday. And here there were about 8000 of them. They were carrying some toys for the orphans or something like that.

That family in the background took out their chairs and were enjoying the parade. Some cyclist pulled over to them and gave sweets for the kids.

Some Christmas decorations in homes by the sea.

The main Christmas tree of Adelaide.

All sort of creatures under the the Christmas tree.

In some dark corner of one shopping mall there is a lair of Father Christmas.

In the main street you can try the Marry Go Round.

And all this to decorate our home.

Our “Christmas tree”.