Open season in a carpark

1. Spring cleaning, brushes and spiderwebs 2. Lamps and candles, sausages and salads, red noses and sun, beer and drums, chating and dancing, empty bottles for someone who stole a supermarket trolley.

3. A bedroom window, people instead of a car. 4. Magic is the moonlight. Don’t get crosseyed, find a star in the sky.

Adelaide Studios

Open door day in Adelaide studios. It used to be so called madhouse (can’t help myself but this word makes me think of some artist community living in some squat…). And now it will be cinema studios.

Now almost all building is empty, everything still smells wet paint. The only one room with some stuff inside.

Got an invisible make-up, met Marilyn with invisible paparazzis.

Were shooted in few movies.

And visited a giant wardrobe. Probably the only one old thing in whole building is this table.

Home and away

It was cold inside in winter. But now it is warm and cozy again.

Some feeling of home which came from Lithuania. And books, books, books.

Before the renovation.

And after. The cheapest renovation as you can see. I just realised that the most expensive thing we got (excluding paintings) is a lamp bulb.

That’s the reason why we painted ir bright.


Once I took photos of letters and postcards we received.  Sometimes I take pics of new ones, when I’m not lazy :)))
Enjoy a collection of postcards!

Spring in the streets, spring at home

The most beautiful time in Australia. Giant blossoms in the Botanic gardens.

Spring in our backyard. A tree who lost it’s leaves in the autumn (left) is getting new ones.

Our friend-pet is making a nest.

Working on sunshine.

A pigeon has a girlfriend! And monstera got a new leave!

Alice in wonder… in a pond island.

Blossoms in the backyard.

Green parks.

Long evenings.

Find a creature here.

All seasons shoes on olives.