Hindmarsh island

Our guide offered us to come to the Hindmarsh Island, take a boat to the Younghusband peninsula and walk an incredible trail. However, we did not find any port, just some little private docks. There were no people around, just some sheds, swamp and crows.

Someone had a couple of Black-tailed Native-hens pecking in their yard. They were very shy, but we were able to catch them on film, well, on memory card to be more exact 🙂

All the coast was fenced, but we found our way closer to the jetty.

Back again…

Caspian Tern observing the surroundings.

Crested Tern ready for take off.

Little Black Cormorant.

It’s probably about the terns 🙂

On the other side of the island the view is a bit different.

Somewhere far away SUV’s on the beach.

And a few more.

Footprints of some little crab.

Few Banded Stilt browsing on the coast.

And a Red-necked Avocet among them.

Later we went to the other side, where the SUV’s were. This sign I guess is for them. Poor plovers.

Sunset on the beach – looks nice, but actually it was windy, nearly a sand storm, and terribly cold.

One more photo and we went home.