
Every time I want to start a post with words “This weekend we…” Boring.

In summer there were no butterflies. As soon as it got cooler we got plenty of them. Especially now.

So, last weekend we went to Morialta park. Actually, trails begin almost in the city. It’s so near, but it doesn’t mean that’s bad. Maybe because it was overcast, there was not crowded. There are so many parks and trails around Adelaide to choose. Some of the people probably go to less steep places (the surface is pretty rocky, not suitable for small children), the ones who want to exercise a little choose, for example, Mount Lofty trail, so it was calm here.

LEGO bricks.

We visited that “balcony”.

And walked that track.

City view and the sea. Everything looked dark purple.

Where the rock was soft enough, now it is gorge. And water falls from harder rock down.

Landscape is still changing, but very slow.

Those flowers you could smell from few metres. And where it was more than one – it smelled so strong!  A giant ant is trying to bite my finger.

Rock/wall climbing.

A waterfall.

I wonder how it will look in summer when it is so dry.

New Holland Honeyeater.

Everything got green around the river.

Grey fantail. It was a fantastic echo here, so the songs of birds sounded even better.


Left from the bridge.

And right.



Few weeks ago there was some Anime and computer games festival in the Adelaide Festival Centre (yes, the same one where we drank too much wine during the Festival of wine). City got full of strange and interesting characters.

Pokemon with handbag!

I think that pixel man should win the Cosplay.



Some more.


Modern princess Xena (sorry, anime fans, that I’m not sure about all characters) rolling tobacco.

Super Mario!

That’s all.

Golden cats and other things

Through the gates with lions you get into a different world.

It always smells like spices, tea, and it looks like they never have a day off.

Japanese cat meets us everywhere. At the counter.

In the shop windows.

You can get some healing glasses.

Or a cat with sun batteries.

Shop windows usually look like this – colourful. Sometimes I wonder, why it is called China Town, when there are lots of Japanese things.

Next to the China Town there is the Central Markets. Very busy on Friday nights.

And this is not an asian part of the city. I just wanted to show flowers in this nice balcony.

Akmuo – subinė, pigus vynas ir kiti dalykai

Vasarą prisiminus. Iš skladuko ištraukti kadrai pabiručiai. Laurius išdidžiai pozuoja prie senobinio relikto iš tų laikų, kai nebuvo makdonaldų, aifonų ir kondicionierių.

Kai eini nuo turgaus į vakarus, pietine puse, dešinėje pasitinka du liūtai saugantys raudonus vartus į koldūnų, nūdlų, nenusakomų troškinių, raudonų žibintų, hello kitty, bubble tea ir pokemonų pasaulį. Gali pereiti per minutę, o gali likti pusdieniui.


Alkoholio vartojimas viešoje vietoje draudžiamas, piknike rudenį pajūryje be vyno darosi nelinksma, išbandom amerikietišką tradiciją. Vyną parduodami, kone visada pasiūlo popierinį maišoką.


Nedidelis, už Puntuką didesnis, akmens šmotas, granitas, gražios spalvos, taigi…


Akmuo – subinė, arba ką įžvelgė mano sugadinta vaizduotė. Idant amžinai iškyla ta pati problema – kaip gi pozuoti prie visokiausių didelių objektų, o taipogi ne visada norisi nuotraukose matyti savo marmūzę (labai panorau pavartoti šį žodį, noras užvaldė smegenis, kontekstas ėmė darytis nebesvarbus, teko pasiduoti), tad pati akmens forma pasiūlė tiesmukai iliustruoti liaudies posakį apie lindimą be muilo.


Tokia tai magija slypi juostinėse nuotraukose, kai pabuvęs upeliokas, šalia kelio, kuris, lyg tyčia prisėdus tampa neromantiškai judrus, atrodo itin jaukiai.

Surfinti šiame paplūdimyje nepatartina dėl didelių bangų išmuštų duobių, pavojingų povandeninių srovių ir panašių dalykų, vietinės moterys ateina čia žvejoti, nuo kranto užmeta meškerę, kai kurių meškerės nematomos.

O juk visada įdomiau ten, kur mūsų neįleidžia…