
In the middle of March Melbourne has a really big event for those interested in car racing. The queen of all racing – Formula 1. As we live really close to the track it would have been a sin not to go and see what is it like. Here are some photos from the race.

Road Trip: Adelaide – Melbourne. Day 5.

On our first day at Melbourne we were sent very far (to the other side of the Earth).
“Go back to your fuckin’ country” – cried the local tramp. As we were ignoring that he was trying to shout something in Spanish. Something new, because since then everyone was trying to talk to us in German 😀

In the morning we got up early and went for a walk in Melbourne again.

The laundry of our hostel – just on the stairs. Batman street.

We were walking with the hope to find breakfast and coffee.

The city form the hostel window looked promising.

Of course, if you were looking in the right direction.

So we went to the district of cafes and little shops. Nice windows, nit trees… It’s started to rain. Then we realized that everything opens at about 12. We had to hide from the rain in the shop of weird clothes.

While waiting we took photos of the closed shops and galleries. It’s strange, isn’t it? Everything opens early in the morning in Adelaide, and closes at 5. And they say Adelaide is more relaxed 🙂 Sleep in!

Doesn’t it remind of the Camden Town int London?

Window residents.

This dog amazed us with it’s charm!

Laurius is staring at the potential breakfast place.

Finally we got our breakfast. One moment it was raining, and then the Sun was shining.

Frankly speaking, Melbourne looked like a quite green city.

Maybe it is rain that makes everything to be green.

We tried something Asian… Something.

Local China Town. I must admit, I like China Town in Adelaide more, though, it’s much smaller. In Melbourne everything is made more for tourists.

After a walk in the city, we went to the Royal Botanic Gardens.

Just look at those eyes!

Local bully.

We left Reda in the flower garden…

Very proud hen.

And really hilarious her chicks.

Road Trip: Adelaide – Melbourne. Day 4.

One more freezing morning came. We stayed at a free camp site full of people with kayaks. They were living in huge tens of which some served as a kindergarten. Nearly a small town.

In the morning we met three kookaburras who were demanding food from everybody. After they got a piece of raw meat they flew to the tree and were killing the meet while smashing it, like it was a lizard or other creature.

Kookaburras often take care of a nest in a company of three – the parents and the elder child.

We spent a night next to the river where we were bitten by sand flies. If you think that mosquitoes are bad, than you probably haven’t faced these creatures.

Totally Australian scenery.

Crimson Rosella. They are more orange around Adelaide. But when you come closer to Melbourne, they become red.

Australians really like horses.

That’s the proper way of travelling.


The road was winding along the ocean.

Passing through little touristy surfing towns.

We stopped for a walk in one of them

Warning in the cafe.

Laurius is waiting for the fresh juice.

You can really feel that the closer you get to Melbourne, the more tourists there are. Road signs designated for them.

We were still worried about the weather as it was cool and rainy.

And finally we’re in Melbourne. We were lucky to get a room near the CBD, even though, it was the Melbourne Cup that day. The city was full of high-heeled and hatted ladies.

It was really busier compared to Adelaide.

It’s just more of everything. It reminds of London somehow.


Local contrast – old and new, demolished and new construction, tall and small.

It gets dark instantly in Australia.

The city became empty.

We found this in the window.

After wandering a while we went back to our hostel.

Where we could finally enjoy warm night.

Kelionė 4. Okeanija.


Manau toks pavadinimas tiks. Nes didžiąją kelio dalį buvom virš vandenyno, lėktuvas truputį siūbavo.
Šanchajus – Melburnas 9200km, 11 val.
Po pirmo skrydžio tenorėjosi į lovą, bet ką jau čia… Salono viduryje iš lubų išlindo seni kineskopiniai televizoriai ir visą kelią rodė kinų ir indų filmus. Vienas jų buvo kažkas tokio kaip “seksas ir miestas” tik dukart ilgesnis, indiškas, nors ir šiuolaikiškas – kaip ir priklauso su dainom ir šokiais.

Po truputį ekranai ėmė keisti spalvas. Pabaigoje rodant žemėlapius vanduo jau buvo tapęs ryškiai rožiniu. Žmonių veidai virto žaliais. smagu buvo matyt žavias indų moteris pažaliavusias. Prieš leidžiantis visi darėm mankštą.

Galiausiai nusileidom Melburne, kur mus kelis sykius patikrino su šuniukais, ar nesivežam saliamių, skilandžių ar raugintų agurkėlių.

Kokie įkvepiantys medžiai!

Apie 6 valandos oro uoste. Stebėjom vietinį gyvenimą. Veža 2 lagaminus. Labai rimtas užsiėmimas.

O čia padarus krovė. Vienus iškėlė, kitus pakrovė lėktuvan. Naminiai gyvūnai skraido bagažo klase.

Luka pjausto suši oro uoste plastikiniu peiliu…