Road Trip: Adelaide – Melbourne. Day 6.

We packed our stuff and went further.

When it’s time to leave the Sun is shining. Nothing new.

Our hostel with the bar that is always empty. Every time you pass, waiters looked at you with hope, that you stop for a drink.

Here we are still in Melbourne. And here we are in the middle of nowhere.

We passed a giant koala protecting little shop and a mini zoo. Though the road is between large cities, it doesn’t look like there are a lot of visitors. Everything is old and a bit abandoned.

In the afternoon we reached the Little Dessert National Park. We placed a ten in the middle of a huge camping site with only one camper van in it.

We watched kangaroos.

All sorts of birds.


Little birds.

And bigger ones.

Later we were preparing dinner. When you don’t have a can opener you need to improvise.

Our block.

Mom with the crazy red eyes and her always hungry kid.

Did I mentioned, that we went north where it supposed to be warmer. It was really nice in the daytime. At night we sat in the tent looking our photos. And then the fun started. Something was scratching around in the dry leaves. Then something big passed just next to our tent and we heard the sound of emu.

Then we went out to enjoy the stars and to have some fun.

Our auras.

The fight of the creatures.

Our ride.


Reda and her imaginary friend.

Laurius and his bike.

Reda catching the wave.

Luka showing of in her new princess dress.