Another day I was reading a little zine made by Australian girl (her page here) with German roots. She was telling what impressed her in Germany. And what she loved about being back in Australia. This is her list which we agree with:
• The wildlife;
• Super friendly checkout ladies;
• The local library (I’m so happy to borrow new movies, music and fantastic books too!);
• The Ocean (oh yes!);
• Star gazing;
• Mangoes…
So, we were really impressed by the wildlife here too. Especially that you can meet many creatures just in the city. Like those little possums. They really love hanging out in European trees. And since it is autumn and leaves felt of – finally we can see those little beauties.
Another afternoon we went to one of big parks near the river. Even if it is surrounded by big streets it is pretty calm there.
Flying foxes live there. I always thought that bats sleep at day quietly, hiding in caves, abandoned sheds or at least in thick trees, so no one can see them. And there… They scream, the hang on sunshine and you’ll always see a few flying around.
We were noticed too.
Another day we went to see the Docklands. It is the suburb next to the city CBD and it is highly advertised in all guides, they recommend shopping and eating there. Well… Saturday noon – totally quiet, everything is closed. Just few fishermen. And a darter! We have a book with Australian birds. And darter was the last bird in one page we hadn’t met before. One page finished! Check!
They call it winter. Cardigan ends in a bag and coat – on a bench. Warm!
Posing for us and even laughing. I somehow can’t call that noise a song.
When was the last time you saw an owl? A wild one?
We went to get some groceries for lunch. The day wasn’t so busy, so we decided to walk by the sea. And there we heard some noise. Parrots screaming, nothing new. Somehow we looked ant the palm tree. And saw something white. Maybe cockatoo? But too small and not totally white. A juvenile one? And then it turned her head and looked at us! You should have seen how fast we walked home, grabbed our camera and ride our bikes back to the Barn Owl!