Rainy weekends in the city

I wonder what their TV is showing.

Ice cream wagon instead of champagne after wedding ceremony.


How is this possible?

Čia kažkuri pasaulio pabaiga ateina arba nueina.


Creepy, isn’t it?

Market in our backyard.


These two pics had to be combined into one, but I’m so lazy tonight!


Ok. That’s it now.


So, the spring came and even though we live near a huge noisy street, late at night, when everything gets quiet birds start to sing. Some flowers smell only at night. When you go for a walk after dusk you might feel like walking in a bottle of eau de cologne.

A Sunday afternoon

One friend told us about Abbotsford Convent – a place we haven’t been before. So on a cool but dry day we went for a walk along river.

The place looked like from the British movies.

Love those tiles.

Felt like we’re somewhere else, not in Australia.

There are some artist studios, little community living and working there, but much more clean and tidy than similar ones in Europe.


The only old and forgotten space is closed and covered with fences protecting viewers form a brick or roof falling down.


Tunel. Freedom at the end.

Some art in the window. I like how those faces were made!

Weekend market.

Looks like made from paper, doesn’t it?

Laurius, of course, was chasing a bird.

His majesty and his waste land. Ok ok, it is just some compost bins in the children’s farm.

The river was still rising.

On the way home – horses in the window.