Earth Station Festival

Remember T-Shirt design competition that I won? For that I got two ticket to World music festival at the Belair National Park.

We went there by train and then caught a shuttle bus for those travelling to the music festival. This festival was not just about music, but also about saving the nature and other “green” stuff.

We listened to some music.

Here’s Stan’s Cafe installation, where various statistical data expressed with rice. One rice – one person. This pile is the number of Australian population.

On the left, people who bought the single “Can’t buy me love” by The Beatles on the first day of release.
On the right – The Beatles themselves. 

This was a really small festival.

They also disclosed freshly printed T-Shirt with the designs that won the competinion.

Mine is also among them!

the empty nest

Somewhere in the hills, next to a little town a sign tells you “Exhibition open, welcome”. Just stop here and you’ll find a big field with a little house – gallery under the old oak.

On Saturday we went here to see Kara’s exhibition “empty nest”.

Little nests – egg shells formed from handmade paper were trying to escape through a little accidental hole in the wall to the beautiful and sunny fields.

Little nests and Kara.

How it shoul be called? Street art or a little house in the woods art?

Little house in the woods art 2.

A shed under a palm and the forest.

Sky with stars and full moon in the shed.

We crossed a green field…

…wished Kara a good day and left that magical place.

Port Adelaide (day)

Port Adelaide is a historical port town, about 10km away form Adelaide centre. Usually it looks deserted like a ghost town, but during the Port Fest we saw some people here. Locals called those days as very busy.

Not very crowded though.


It’s a cosy, beautiful place, with the old port spirit. The spirit I miss sometimes in Adelaide.


We had a lunch on a bench at the river, watching the ships…

…and dolphins…

… and a bridge.

I’m very happy about this animated photo!


Australians do like exclusive cars and there are plenty events to show this. Last Friday they just closed one of the streets in Adelaide and brought there their cars.

You could find some orange cars, …

… and yellow, …

… and something bullet alike.

Where are the cars, there are the girls.

There were plenty of American classic cars.

You could see some older stuff.

And something like this.

There was something for the luxury lovers.

And for pure power enthusiasts.

And for those who are into the engineering achievements.

On Saturday we went for a little drive around the city but could not avoid same cars. It appeared, some of the cars from the show were participating the classic car rally or something like this.

Closed rode for the rally.

We watch a few cars passing by and went to look for a detour.