So, while the part of the trail was closed, we had to go back.

Water was still rising.

Laurius is showing the height where some seaweed are hanging. Is it the height of the highest tide?

A cormorant enjoying a sunny afternoon. One of a few birds we met in that trail.

Seems like all birds gather in the car park for lunch.

Honeyeater found some sugar.

Crow sitting proud.

Because she has her own tree.

Every Sunday a vintage tram goes via these empty fields.

We thought that we are lucky to find nice places anywhere, so we tried to visit another place nearby – Port Gawler. Actually, gravel road ended with a small parking surrounded with water where local people gathered for fishing. Their bored children were poking something in the water.

So, we tried again – another place – Middle beach. All you expect about a place called beach is some sand, dunes, sea… There was only dirty looking lake where some lazy birds sat just on the shore and two ladies were taking a horse for a bath.

The main and the only street (well, sandy road) looked pretty empty with little houses.
There was a sign leading to a general store, which actually was an empty building (I have no idea, does it work only in summer or was it closed many yeas ago).

Willie Wagtail is really fast hyperactive bird. Those photos are made one after each in short time. Look, how Willie comes in to the picture, then flies away and finally comes back while oystercatcher is… pooping.

Romantic gourmets.


Local one. (Buff-banded Rail)

A plastic owl is looking to the West.