Daytrips around Melbourne

One day our friend Saulius and his lovely family took us with Luka’s mum to the hills. We visited animal sanctuary.

Watched the bird show – they did different tricks. Eagle was showing egg breaking skills.

It’s one of the biggest eagles in the world. This bird is using a tool (a stone) to break the egg. Clever, isn’t it?

After that we visited a little town in the hills.

Puffing Billy is a little historic train which goes in the hills. One day we’ll have a ride!

Another daytrip arround Melbourne – Point Cook. Surrounded with pretty uncosy suburbs – still new, no trees, just houses in the flat field. But then you go and get in the swampy area with eagles, kites and herons. Well, they don’t want to be photographed, you know. In a picture above – the bird’s of prey breakfast leftover.

We walked and walked and walked and got into terrible cloud of flies and bugs. The further we went the more of flying creatures were around. Finally we got to the sea.

Bugs were changed by birds. Laurius sneaking.

Red-necked stint relaxing in the sun.

Someone scarred them. They made a big circle and came back. This picture Laurius made looks a little bit like the one in a book about the birds my grandpa had.

Used to be fish. White smile though.

We met this beauty in the field. She was running around while the goat was starring at us.

What a hairdo!

On the way back we stopped in Williamstown – a Melbourne’s suburb facing the sea and the city.

We could even see our house in st Kilda from here.

For the end – full moon in St Kilda. It brings wonderfull tides here in Australia…